Workers' Memorial Week
April 24 - 28, 2017
An international week of remembrance for
workers who have lost their lives on the job
Each year for Worker’s Memorial Week, NH COSH honors individuals who lost their lives on the job during the previous year. We hope to raise awareness about the thousands of individuals who are injured or killed at work every day. There are millions of workplace injuries nationwide every year and thousands of deaths. Workplace fatalities and injuries often have devastating effects on both workers and their families and usually happen without warning. Ongoing attention, training and awareness efforts can save lives and prevent tragedy and heartbreak.
Memorial Dinner
Senator Shaheen Letter of Recognition for Workers' Memorial Week
Representative Carol Shea Porter Letter of Recognition for Workers' Memorial Week
Representative Ann McLane Kuster Letter of Recognition for Workers' Memorial Week

Special Guest Speaker
Coos County Attorney John McCormick
Mr. McCormick was the prosecuting attorney for the Black Mag LLC case in which the company’s owner was convicted of manslaughter in 2013 for the deaths of 2 workers because of health and safety violations. He spoke passionately on his experience pursuing criminal prosecutions for extreme health and safety violators.
Workers' Vigil
NH COSH hosted a vigil for workers and friends at noon in front of the State House in Concord calling for policies that recognize that all workers are valuable and important to commerce, the economy and civic life. We believe that the right to a safe workplace is fundamental and that organizations that respect the worth and dignity of their employees are the cornerstone of a good economy.
Text of Arnie Alpert's Vigil Speech
